Alpha House



Alpha House Nursery, Pre-K, 幼儿园是一个遵循传统校历的学术项目, operating from September to June. Alpha House建筑位于圣家族大学图书馆旁边. 这座模块化的单层建筑是1984年为儿童项目而建造的.

Alpha House Nursery, Pre-K, 幼儿园是一个遵循传统校历的学术项目, operating from September to June. 家长们被邀请参加全年的许多家庭社交活动, sponsored by the Alpha House Home & School Association.

Nursery Program (3-Year-Olds)

幼儿园项目为孩子们在安全和养育的环境中学习提供了坚实的基础. 粗大和精细的运动技能也正在通过使用操纵工具得到发展和加强, Play-Doh, and a physical education program. 孩子们将在学习学术的同时学习社交技能. 

Our curriculum incorporates colors, shapes, numbers, 和字母通过使用操纵, centers, STEM activities as well as play. This program also offers Spanish, religion, and technology on a daily basis, 这能强化和回顾课堂上教授的概念. Finger plays and music & movement play a major role in this age group.

  • 托儿所项目是为三岁的孩子提供的.
  • 我们有一个为期三天的课程,周二、周三和周四——上午8点开始.m. to 11 a.m. and an afternoon session from 11:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
  • 我们还有一个5天的全天课程,从早上8点开始.m. to 2:45 p.m.
  • 这些项目是为9月1日前满3岁的儿童设计的.

Pre-K Program (4-Year-Olds)

我们的学前教育项目为我们的学生提供他们在幼儿园取得成功所需的工具. 学生将使用具体的经验,如操作来探索概念, experiments, centers, artistic expression, STEM activities, and play. 

This program also offers Spanish, religion, and technology on a daily basis, 这能强化和回顾课堂上教授的概念. 学前教育还包括阅读和数学课程, 哪些支持课堂上提出的概念,以进一步确保学业成功.

  • 学前教育项目适用于四岁的孩子.
  • 我们有一个为期五天的课程,从周一到周五——上午8点开始.m. to 11 a.m. and an afternoon session from 11:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
  • 我们还有一个5天的全天课程,从早上8点开始.m. to 2:45 p.m.
  • 这些项目是为9月1日前满4岁的儿童设计的.

Kindergarten Program

Alpha House学校幼儿园项目在学术上具有挑战性, 全天课程,支持孩子的身体素质, emotional, and intellectual growth. 我们实行小班制,提供适合学生发展的学习环境,为学生提供智力发展的无数机会, active play, and social interaction.

Our curriculum encompasses reading, writing, math, science, technology, social studies, religion, and Spanish.

培养学生的阅读和沟通能力, 数学和科学技能,结合STEM活动的混合课程, creative interactions, 项目驱动的学习让孩子们变得自信, successful, lifelong learners.


  • 幼儿园每周上五天课.
  • These sessions are from 7:45 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
  • 幼儿园的学生以15-20个孩子为一组.
  • 这个项目是为9月1日前满5岁的儿童设计的.

Religious Education

“我很特别”儿童早期宗教项目的目标是提供宗教体验,帮助孩子们形成对自己和他人的基督教态度, 还有一些愉快的机会和活动,以基督徒的行动来回应.

我们的项目认识到,孩子们在实践中学习得最好. Therefore, 使用以下课程发展技巧:感官活动, songs, dramatizations, DVDs, stories and poems, prayers, finger plays, art activities, and liturgical celebrations. “我很特别”旨在为未来的宗教教育奠定基础.


在Alpha House,我们探索技术的各种用途. 我们利用实验室通过在线课程来练习课堂上讲授的技能, 并研究从当前事件到作者的众多主题的信息, artists, and musicians. 孩子们练习键盘,在幼儿园,学生们练习写作.

Physical Education

The Nursery, Pre-K, 幼儿园的孩子将参加促进身体健康和健康的体育活动. They will participate in movement exploration with and without manipulatives; develop gross motor movements (walking, running, jumping); participate in rhythmic activities; engage in balance activities; develop throwing, catching, and kicking skills; participate in unstructured and structured activities; begin to use rules and safe practices in physical activities; and begin to develop good sportsmanship.

Before Care

学前护理是孩子一天的一个有趣的、有良好监督的开始.  孩子们涂颜色,听音乐,阅读,准备开始他们的一天的学校.

We will offer before care for nursery & Pre-K students only. 有严格的上午送车时间. 幼儿园的孩子可以在Aquina/Alpha House和Alpha House的托儿所学前儿童前下车:

  • Kindergarten
    • 7:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m.
  • Nursery/Pre-K 
    • 7:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. 

Kids Club

阿尔法之家儿童俱乐部的课后项目提供了一个有趣的照顾和监督, interactive, 为我们的Alpha House孩子和拿撒勒学院小学提供丰富的环境.  这包括从拿撒勒学院小学接你的孩子和1-8年级的家庭作业辅导.

  • The operating hours are 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • 欲了解更多信息,请联系Christine Humphries或Maribeth Kane